
Final ROR Poste Response

For the last project for Typography I, we got the opportunity to take part in a contest for an organization called Reach Out and Read. This organization's goal is to get parents to start reading to their children at an early age by donating books and communicating this message through family pediatricians/doctors. I wanted my poster to relate to the parent as well as the child. They are my audience and I wanted to communicate a message that relates to both parties individually as well as the parent-child as a whole. I came up with a theme of discovery and learning in which my heading read "discover and read with your child." This both communicates to the parents typographically, and with the imagery I used communicates to the child, pulling both audiences in. After creating thumbnails and iterations, my final poster consisted of a photograph and type. I created a scene in which a boat and waves look as though they are coming out of the book. With this project there was great opportunity with the freedom we had and to create something analog. By creating something analog this also related to the child and the playfulness of using an actual found book in my imagery. I experimented a lot in both the typography in the poster as well as the photographs that were taken. I had many ideas and originally wanted the whole poster to consist of analog produced text as well. After trying to complete this  method the composition ended up looking to busy and clustered. The poster looked much cleaner and simple by using a photograph and digital text. The biggest challenge was incorporating the two. By creating an something visually interesting with the text and making the text and image work as one. I overlapped the text slightly over the sun to join the two together. This meshed the two just slightly, but enough to tie the two together.
Overall, I am really pleased with my poster. I think it is possibly the first project that represents me and who I am becoming as a designer. I think it was a great chance to think out of the box and a great experience on what a project would be like in the "real world." We had to think about the who, what, when, and why.... and I discovered many things about photography technique as well as working with text and image, as well as myself and who I am becoming as a designer.

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