
Motifs: Before and After

-we discussed that my figure's body still is too big for the umbrella. Since the poem says my big umbrella I changed the size of the person to be smaller or about the same size of the umbrella so that the proportions make more sense. I also trimmed his arm down which looks much better, and it even looks like he has some fingers now. I also cut down the umbrella handle a bit so that it doesn't look so much like my wind motif. I also flipped the whole image because of the direction the wind motif. It looks as if it is blowing to the right so keeping motion in mind the wind would be sweeping up under the umbrella blowing it to the right.
[after ]

For this motif I changed the placement of the text and made the footprints more wonky and random then they were before. I moved the text to the bottom as well, which helps lead eye up the foot prints. I made the top foot prints small to show more direction and create depth.


 I made my wind motif a bit larger  and moved the text to the bottom as well.

1 comment:

  1. It's good that you are posting process WHILE the project evolves (rather than saving it all to the end). This not only saves you time in the end (b/c you already have the post made), but also is a way to interject "reflection" INTO your project development.
