
Word Compositions

my thoughts: I am relieved that my compositions are done, but I am sure that they need to be worked. They  took a lot of time- individually cutting out each word and the letters. For me, by the end, I had this feeling of relief! I think that is one of the feelings designers love though. Pushing yourself so far and then the accomplishment of seeing what you have completed. Now, after completing all of my word compositions, I am starting to see a book. After cutting them all and having them together, it makes me really excited to begin to put it all together. 
There were words that were much easy to portray then others. It was also difficult to take my dot compositions out of my mind while working on these. I what to achieve the  serendipity! After doing thumbnails and sketches, if I started thinking of my dots I just started another one. There are some that came very easily and I enjoy very much. Even after printing my letters and starting to put together my layouts a lot of things would change. I found myself moving my letters around from the what the sketch looked like. Many of my words ended up different from my original thumbnails. So here they are, for now...
my work space


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